How to install WordPress

WordPress is an easy job to install and run. It takes just 5 minutes to install and run the basic setup of your website. WordPress gives you lots of prebuild features like you can set any pre-build theme, or plugin as per your requirements. Also, there are some ways to customize WordPress as well.

WordPress recommends itself to run PHP 7.4 at least. PHP 7.4 supported WordPress version 5.3 to 6.1 (latest). You can check the supported version list on the official documentation of WordPress.  PHP Compatibility and WordPress Versions

The following steps are for localhost in case you are installing it on the server then use server name in place of localhost to manually install WordPress.

Step 1:

Download WordPress from its official website Download WordPress, if you have not already downloaded it. Extract the zip file and place it PHP code run directory. In the htdocs directory (Folder), if you are using xampp in windows. In Linux OS you may find the html directory.

Note: You can rename the extracted file whatever you want. I renamed it with wordpress-6.1.1

Step 2:

Go to PhpMyAdmin and add the new database for your website. I created the same name database as the directory name of unzip files wordpress-6.1.1 . After that hit the URL http://localhost/wordpress-6.1.1/ and you will see the install screen in the browser window.

Note: Above install URL may be different in your case. So, use http://localhost/{YOUR DIRECTORY NAME}/ it to run the installation.

Step 3:

Now, You will see different languages, you can select any language whatever you want to install for the website. English is a global language and most people know about English in the World. So, I am selecting English and clicked on the continue button.

Step 4:

Now, you will the welcome screen with some information. You just need to click on Lets Go the button.

Note: If for any reason this automatic file creation does not work, do not worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.

Step 5:

Add your database connection details. You can choose a different prefix name, i.e. dbt_ or may proceed with the default prefix name wp_

After filling in the database details click on submit button. You will see the following screen. Click on the Run the installation button.

Step 6:

After this, you will see the information needed screen you just add some information for the site i.e. site name, admin login details, email, etc., and click on the Install WordPress button.

Note: Search engine visibility options for SEO purposes. So, if you are on localhost then check it because nobody wants to index our local system sites. But if you are installing it on the server then leave it unchecked.

Step 7:

After this, you will see the success screen, click on the login button and you will see the wp-admin login page. Just log in with the details that you added in step 6 and you will see the admin dashboard, where you can manage all the things.


Hope this blog is helpful to you. If you have any queries or feedback please comment to me.

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